95 Seminole Ave Ormond Beach, FL 32176 (386) 677-7314
Terms of Sale
updated 20 January 2025

please read this page each time before ordering
from us
Please don't get insulted or intimidated by our "no-nonsense style" or "attitude"
There is a very good reason for every speck of information on this page as
we are really trying hard to avoid misunderstandings & misconceptions
between ourselves and our (potential) customers. . . please feel free
to email us if you have questions not specifically addressed here
AND if you have a question that you would feel better asking
someone in person please feel free to call Denny and talk
to the boss directly during business hours 10-7 Tue-Fri
NOTE: We do not & will not accept phone orders
General Information:
All firearms actually manufactured after 1898 must be shipped via U.P.S. to a Federally licensed firearms dealer or C&R collector with a Class 03 FFL that is ALREADY ON FILE with us, with payment provided via credit-card. We no longer ship anything C.O.D. or allow anyone to inspect or pick up firearms in-person at our office (due to restrictive local ordinances).
A dealer-FFL or C&R license MUST BE on-file with us ALREADY before we will accept any order for any firearm
We GREATLY PREFER scanned and emailed copies of FFL's (sent to kroh@empirearms.com).
It is a very good idea to send us a signed copy of your (or your local transfer dealer's) FFL in advance for our files to avoid missing out on the item you may want. This is S.O.P. in the industry.
For "tips" on finding a decent and affordable local dealer to transfer your firearm, click
Please do this if you do not have your own FFL!

EMPIRE ARMS are members in good standing of the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating
(click on the image above for confirmation)
Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE
We do not "do"
... we prefer to buy stuff (that we have personally seen) and sell stuff, but we don't trade stuff we know for other items we have not seen. If the item in question was originally purchased from us and you have taken good care of it we will allow at least 80% of the purchase-price as payment for a higher-priced firearm (depending on our inventory needs at the time) and we will buy it back from you for 80% of what you paid us CASH as well.
We ONLY deal in military firearms of the World (something that would have ACTUALLY been issued to a soldier of any country), so please don't offer us commercial guns (like shotguns or 22's) or ask us questions about them... we frankly don't know very much (or care) at all about commercially-made firearms. Never have, never will.
EMPIRE ARMS is CLOSED ON MONDAYS (this is when we try to get our book-work and errands caught-up) and from mid-day nearly every Friday through Sunday as we are usually away attending gun-shows around the country (or spending time with our families) on weekends. We therefore (usually) only ship firearms orders Tuesday through Thursdays and ship accessory and book orders on Thursdays only.
- We ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that any firearm purchased from EMPIRE ARMS has authentic original markings and is correctly attributed and described. However we do not test-fire them or attest to their suitability in the modern world as far as function goes. These are collectable historic objects and we are selling them as such.
- We will also REPURCHASE any firearm bought from us for AT LEAST 80% of what you paid as long as it is in the same condition and configuration as we sold it to you (and often much, much more depending, of course, on supply and demand at the time).
Ordering information:
We keep all of our public web-pages totally up to date in "real time" and everything listed on them NOT marked as SOLD is most likely available for sale at this very minute.
All items marked
have been paid for and shipped already. We almost never get anything sent back (and our transactions very seldom "fall-through" either). Our
"New Stuff" pages are never updated after 24 hours has passed from publication.
We will NOT accept an order for any individually-listed item (whether it requires a FFL or not) without immediate payment via Credit Card and a current FFL on file.
We will not
anything pending arrival of paperwork or payment UNLESS that paperwork and/or payment is sent OVERNIGHT (via Express Mail, UPS Next Day Air, or Federal Express). No exceptions!
Yes, we realize that is likely inconvenient for first-time orders, but once the FFL is on-file with us subsequent orders will be a breeze. The U.S. Post Office always takes longer than you think it will if you send paperwork to us via regular mail (allow at least a week).
EMPIRE ARMS is VERY DIFFERENT than OTHER dealers in that
as they are time-stamped and easier to keep track of, especially if we are out of the office (which frequently occurs, as due to the very nature of our business we MUST travel in order to purchase anything we offer for sale as we NEVER buy anything "blind" or based upon anyone else's opinions or photos). Please phone us
if you have a question (or series of questions) that cannot be easily answered via e-mail, and THEN
send us your detailed order via e-mail, FAX or snail-mail confirmation. We
DO answer and confirm EVERY
e-mail ORDER we receive ASAP, but it may take several days on occasion (especially if I am on the road buying really cool stuff) so please be patient.
We will CANCEL any order placed by e-mail from an invalid or bogus e-mail address or that has incomplete ordering information (what you want, who you are, where you live, and how you intend to pay MUST all be spelled-out every time).
A PHONE ORDER ALONE (or one left on our answering machine) is NOT sufficient and WILL NOT be processed without physical confirmation via e-mail, FAX or letter.
PLEASE between 3 PM and 5 PM
Eastern Time
(no matter WHAT the reason)
as we are always frantically busting our asses during this period making sure UPS gets the stuff everybody else ordered sent out to them in a timely manner. If you do call during that time you will be (politely, I hope) asked to call back later or (preferably) email your query.
We accept payment by CREDIT CARD only!
We accept
American Express
, Discover and even Diner's Club cards (
added "fee" or charge)
, and we usually will get your firearm purchase on its way to you within one or two business days (depending on workload). Accessory and book orders will only be shipped on Thursdays.
We DO NOT accept payment via PayPal, as they have a anti-gun policy we find to be unreasonable and objectionable.
Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE
When ORDERING an item
by e-mail or FAX remember that the magic phrase
gets priority over any other message. Please be very clear
on WHICH item you desire, WHO you are, WHERE you live (we have many customers with the same name), and HOW you intend to close the deal.
some (unfortunately) graphic examples:
"I WANT the Y2K number 12345 from your new list. I don't have an FFL but my buddy at BIG GUNS here in town has already sent you a copy of his FFL license and I want to put this purchase on my VISA card XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX expires XX/XX. Thanks, Joe Blow, 678 Main St, Anywhere USA, phone (555) 987-6543"
"You have my C&R FFL and credit-card number on file. Ship me one of those Finn target rifles that you just listed. Alphonse Capone, Chicago"
"I'm kinda interested in that there Enfield. Is it available? M.L."
or the classic
"I would take the Mauser if you answer a couple questions about it. Call me ASAP. Bob."
WHO are you? WHICH Mauser? HOW can we call when you left no phone number?
Do you even REALIZE how common the name "Bob" is?)... sheesh!
Both of the latter
not acceptable
examples noted above are e-mails we have actually received in the past. If you send us such a message,
to you until we receive more information about you, which item SPECIFICALLY you want and a commitment to purchase it on your part (with payment and shipping details provided). You also stand a very good chance of "losing" that item to someone else in the interim while we are playing e-mail or phone "tag".
Also, realize up-front that WE DON'T "HAGGLE" ON PRICES! If you contact us trying to get a "better deal" on an item (or series of items) we offer for sale. . . even if you say "I WANT IT" nothing will be set aside for you until you agree to purchase it in a timely manner at the price listed (PLUS actual shipping
and insurance costs).
We will ABSOLUTELY NOT consider counter-offers!
- We receive fifty to one hundred or more FFL's in the mail (or via email) every single day... if A NOTE WITH YOUR NAME AND WHAT YOU ARE ORDERING is not attached to your C&R or your transfer-dealer's FFL, there is almost no way we are going to know it is for your order and not just a routine copy for our files and a delay will certainly result and you may even LOSE that item to someone else. Please also supply your phone number and (especially) your EMAIL address with your FFL. This should be obvious, since we
greatly prefer email correspondence.
Please also make CERTAIN that the signed FFL photocopy you or your dealer sends us is legible (unfortunately quite a few of the ones we receive are hard to decipher, which can cause delays and, needless to say, confusion). Also be certain that the FFL is signed in INK and done so in the proper place (above the line under which is printed ORIGINAL SIGNATURE OF LICENSEE) otherwise it is not valid.
We do not
sorry, please don't ask (we just don't have the room to store them). However, we do accept
Visa, MasterCard & Discover Cards
with no fee (and you can pay
over time if you wish while enjoying your purchase). We also accept American Express and Diner's Club cards
without fee, but they usually require you to pay off everything at the end of each month... bummer!
UPS tracking #
of your parcel will be supplied to you upon request (this is done
for all orders made via e-mail). We will need your e-mail address, however (if you FAX or MAIL your order, please remember to furnish your E-MAIL address as well).
If you are not going to be home when the parcel is expected we can ship
but only if we have a
daytime phone-number
for you (and know this in advance).
We will NOT ship firearms to any address not specifically listed on your FFL. We realize that this may be an inconvenience for those who work during the day, but you CAN change your "mailing address" on your license to your work address (in which case we will ship to you there after the change has been made).
If you re-route the package for your convenience (such as having UPS deliver it to your workplace because you are not home during the day) we will charge you $50 (fifty dollars) ADDITIONAL because we also get charged for all "address corrections" by UPS even though it is not our fault and beyond our control. This action also causes a RED FLAG to occur on our UPS account, and we do not like that at all.
All ordered but unclaimed items will become the property of Empire Arms after 90 days, whether paid for or not (exceptions will be made only for deployed military customers).
Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE
We ONLY ship our merchandise via
If that is not acceptable, please don't order from us.
We sent buyers an email containing UPS tracking info
Shipping and insurance charges:
We only charge *EXACTLY* whatever UPS charges us to ship an item from us to you. We *NEVER* charge for "packing" or "handling" or for packing-materials.
Below is
APPROXIMATELY what charges will be incurred, however we will only charge you EXACTLY what we have to pay UPS (and not a penny more)
Note: The rates noted below includes "ADULT SIGNATURE REQUIRED" which is required by Federal Law for shipments of all firearms (CFR 178.31d), which adds $2.75 to the basic shipping fee (and makes sense anyway, as nobody wants a firearm "dropped" off at your doorstep where any bozo can walk off with it).
ADD $5.00 for RESIDENCE (as opposed to business) addresses
ADD $12.00 to the above for destinations West of the Mississippi (except Texas)
$12.00 for second, $8.00 for each additional handgun in the same parcel.
$29.50 to business address, East of Mississippi
$36.00 to business address, West of Mississippi
$34.50 to residence address, East of Mississippi
$40.00 to residence address, West of Mississippi (except Texas)
$10.00 for second, $8.00 for each additional in the same parcel (up to three in each parcel).
ADD $40 additional per order
for firearms delivery to
and overseas territory (Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.) addresses
(sorry, folks, but as you are aware no UPS ground delivery is available from us to you).
- Note:
both UPS and FEDEX now charge $25 to $50
additional "extra handling" for parcels that measure
over 48 inches (which is most
early infantry rifles).
- A
$50.00 service charge will apply after the sale if the customer requests that UPS re-route any parcel we ship to another address for delivery (we actually get financially penalized by UPS if you foolishly do that).
- We no longer (since 2002) sell ammunition at all.
Delivery times:
Payment information:
must be made in advance by Credit Card, Empire Arms no longer accepts checks or money orders as payment, nor do we accept PAYPAL
or any other digital payments.
We do not do "lay-aways" at all!
Sorry, don't ask. This is not negotiable!
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Diner's Club cards
are also accepted
surcharge). Get
on how to safely e-mail this information to us by clicking
HERE. Note that if you have ordered from us before, you can utilize the same card by mentioning in your message "please charge this to my credit-card on file". Note that this statement is required before we can use your card again for the current and next purchase.
Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE
Sales Tax:
Florida residents
add applicable state and local sales tax unless purchased for resale and a signed copy of your resale certificate for 2024 is already on file with us. We are not (yet) required to collect sales tax for residents of
ANY other states besides Florida, so we don't.
Sales PROHIBITED or RESTRICTED (due to peculiar and usually state or local laws) to residents of the following states and locales:
Unfortunately this is NOT a complete list.
No modern handguns sold to anyone, dealer or not (they must be C&R eligible).
All C&R qualified handguns AND rifles *MUST* be shipped to a California Class 01 dealer ONLY
(we can no longer ship C&R firearms directly to C&R licensees in California, even with a Certificate of Eligibility). EMPIRE ARMS is a participating dealer with a CFLC ID # on file with the State of California and we are willing and able to ship to authorized CFLC FFL Dealers (the dealer must supply us with their five-digit CFLC ID# first). Magazines over 10 rounds, CA-designated assault weapons (AR15's, AK's, etc) or those attached with grenade-launchers (Yugo 1959/66, MAS 1936-51 or 1949-56, FR-8, etc.) will *NOT* be sold to anyone in California.
No sales of firearms, ammunition, or firearm magazines at all to anyone. Sorry!
residents must supply us with a copy of their FOID card as well as a signed copy of their C&R license before we can ship them C&R firearms.
No modern handguns sold to anyone, dealer or not (they must be C&R eligible).
No high-capacity magazines allowed. C&R licensees ordering handguns must ALSO supply us with a copy of their MA "License to Carry" (those can be FAXED or their image transmitted by email).
The only handguns we can ship to a Class 1 (dealer) FFL to transfer to a non-licensee in Massachusetts must comply with THESE (2003) dumb regulations.
All firearms including long-guns, all antiques, airguns of any type & all magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds must be shipped to dealers only.
all concealable firearms must be shipped to dealers only. All NY residents, whether C&R licensees or not, have to get each particular handgun added by serial-number to their NY handgun permit before purchase or transfer from in-state dealer can
No modern (non-C&R) handguns can be shipped to anyone, dealer or not, in NY (they must be C&R eligible). C&R rifles can still be shipped directly to a C&R licensee.
Empire Arms GRADING standards:
First off, we
each and every firearm that we offer from the finest available anywhere (nearly
ALL come from private collections). We never buy ANYTHING "blind" and absolutely do not buy junk (no matter how "cheap" it is). Whatever you order from us will likely be MUCH better quality than you could obtain elsewhere as that is and always has been our goal. Not braggin'... just a fact!
We utilize
"plain English"
in our descriptions rather than endless flowery words of praise, and try to be very fair and frank with our appraisal of condition. We know that you don't like unpleasant surprises any more than we do
(and we have had more than our share). Over 90% of our customers think we actually
our stuff, but we simply grade our items like we would like it graded if we were the buyers. Our satisfaction-ratio is way over 99%, so we must be doing something right
(unfortunately there are some very picky and anal people with unrealistic expectations
in this World that cannot be satisfied no matter what, and we invite them to
shop elsewhere).
Virtually all military firearms we sell have been used for their intended purpose
(otherwise they would not really be collectable or interesting)
, and therefore they
be expected to have some handling and storage marks on the wood and some wear on the blued parts from
actual use. If it is severe, we will say so... if it is perfect, we will mention that too.
Please don't get "scared away" if we graphically describe minor flaws like scratches or gouges... when put in writing it usually just makes them sound much worse than they really are. Remember, virtually no other dealer mentions any possible flaws at all, so when we do we are just being honest. All of our photographs are ALWAYS of the actual individual item being offered for sale unless
specifically noted otherwise.
We describe the metal-finish of our firearms by using a percentage system. 98% bluing means just that, but it also means about 2% of the bluing is NOT going to be perfect and may even be worn or faded (usually just on the corners and edges, and likely on the magazine floorplate from contact with sweaty hands during normal carry). 80% still means it's going to be quite nice, and 50% indicates that it's going to look like it is actually a used military-surplus firearm. {;^>}
We do not refinish anything that we sell, but we usually clean off the cosmoline, tape, filth, etc. before we ship it to you (unless you ask us not to). We also check the HEADSPACE of ALL rifles that fires a rimless cartridge before we buy them and if the headspace on a rifle is excessive (bolt closes on a "field" gauge) we will certainly mention it in the description if we buy it at all (we
likely wouldn't buy it in the first place).
Nearly everything we sell is properly
according to current (for the last 50+ years) U.S. regulations, and if it is not import-marked then we will certainly mention that in the description.
We do not warrantee the accuracy or shootability of any firearm, as a lot of that depends on your personal abilities. We do guarantee that they will be properly attributed and described and complete in working condition unless noted otherwise, but that is all. Little mechanical faults such as "the decocker on my
80 year old pistol does not work perfectly" is to be expected with a firearm or any other item (including you) that is
80 or so years old. . .
3-day non-firing inspection period allowed (of course) from time of delivery to destination. We
very rarely
get anything returned (much less than 1/10th of 1%).
satisfaction is guaranteed
and greatly desired by us at EMPIRE ARMS!
You may return anything ordered from us for any reason (or even none at all) as long as you get an authorization from us first within three days of delivery
(we will refuse all unauthorized returns, and all requests for return after three days have passed since delivery by UPS to you or your transfer-dealer).
We will NOT accept the return of ANY weapon that has been fired or disassembled by the purchaser.
We will NOT accept the return of ANY weapon that has been fired or disassembled by the purchaser.
We will NOT accept the return of ANY weapon that has been fired or disassembled by the purchaser.
(I thought it best to repeat this disclaimer three times . . . we REALLY mean it)
We pride ourselves on the accuracy of our descriptions, so please read them thoroughly before ordering to avoid any confusion, and feel free to e-mail or (if you have a LOT of questions)
call us
at (386) 677-7314
with any specific questions you may have in order to avoid any potential problems or misunderstandings.
A 3.5% restocking fee is charged for all returns refunded to a credit-card. This is to recoup the fees charged to us by your credit-card company when you ordered the item (as we don't get those back when we run a credit through).
- If the item arrives at its destination DAMAGED, well... we certainly did NOT send it that way! No matter how well we package items (and we are damned good at it) delivery personnel
(not those on our end) can always find a new and novel way to break, crack or generally smash stuff up (this rarely happens, but it does happen every once in awhile).
Everything we ship is fully insured, so call UPS as soon as possible and lets get a claim started rather than ranting & raving at us about it. This is what insurance is for.

Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE
Order Cancellations:
We know that "stuff happens" occasionally and the funds one maybe thought they had or could "stretch" sometimes just doesn't co-operate. If you have to cancel an order you have placed with us before we have shipped it, we will try to be very understanding,
Repeat offenders will be politely asked to go be a pain in someone else's ass.
Antique gun sales:
We do not and WILL NOT ship *ANY* firearms (antique or not) outside of the continental United States. (I know, we said that already, but not a week goes by when we don't get a firearm order from someone who lives in Canada or elsewhere)
It is our policy not to sell pre-1899 Antique rifles or handguns to convicted felons, minors, fugitives from justice, illegal aliens, drug addicts, alcoholics, or mentally defective individuals. By ordering such items from us you represent that you do not fit into any of those classifications. If antique guns are shipped to you, you are responsible for complying with all applicable state and local laws (for instance, even antique firearms still require a FFL to purchase by mail if you
reside in the wonderful state of New Jersey).
Want Lists
- We NO LONGER (as of April, 2022) offer a want list service,
We are
and will generally pay more for nicer uncommon military firearms than
any other dealer
(and will most likely pay more than you could obtain for it yourself even if you worked real hard at it). We have a
very strong (literally tens of thousands) following. If you have some items in our field of interest that you are tired of or no longer utilize regularly, please ship them for our generous offer. If our offer is not acceptable, we will return the items to you
immediately at our expense.
We do not make offers based on photographs or descriptions, only in-person
Exclusive EMPIRE ARMS BUYBACK policy:
We WANT to buy back any item originally purchased from Empire Arms. We will pay AT LEAST 80% of the original purchase price (and very often much, much more depending on the item and the amount of time that has passed) to the original purchaser as long as the item is in the same condition as purchased and has not been altered (or "improved")
in any way.
Any information you supply to
is kept both secure and confidential. We will NEVER sell, rent or supply *ANY* information about our customers to anyone, period.
We have an E-MAIL LIST which will get you all new items we acquire (as well as much other useful information not available elsewhere), e-mailed to you 24 hours in ADVANCE of the general public. To sign up, click the following link:
Now that you are finished reading our Terms of Sale, hopefully you now have a rather clear understanding of what you can expect from us and what we do expect of you, so click your browser's
button to go back to where you were or
Go back to the Empire Arms Home Page

95 Seminole Ave Ormond Beach, FL 32176 (386) 677-7314
For , comments or suggestions, email us at kroh@empirearms.com
All above content copyright © 1993-2025 by Dennis Kroh, all rights reserved
Get instructions
on how to safely e-mail your credit-card information to us by clicking HERE