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RUSSIAN Model 1895 Nagant revolver #18123 (7.62x38R Nagant) mfg. by TULA in 1902. All-matching numbers, an arsenal-rework in arsenal as-new condition, Imperial legend weak but legible (blued over old pitting) with excellent mirror-bright bore. Has new bakelite grips, complete with holster, cleaning-rod, lanyard and wood-handled screwdriver. PHOTOS . . . $150. C&R SOLD
RUSSIAN Model 1895 Nagant revolver #77077 (7.62x38R Nagant) mfg. by TULA in 1931. All-matching numbers, an arsenal-rework in arsenal as-new condition, some markings blurred from buffing before arsenal reblue. Bore is excellent and mirror-bright, new checkered bakelite grips. Complete with holster, cleaning-rod, lanyard and wood-handled screwdriver. Very subtle import-marks. PHOTOS . . . $125. C&R SOLD
RUSSIAN Model 1895 Nagant TARGET revolver (7.62x38R Nagant) mfg. by TULA in 1929. A single-action only seven-shot revolver with heavy barrel and large checkered walnut target grips. Excellent-PLUS arsenal-refinished condition with 100% bluing, bore a little rough but has sharp rifling, trigger-pull quite light with fully-adjustable sights. This is one of just over 100 pieces imported recently, and was hitherto UNKNOWN to exist in the U.S. and highly-sought in Europe and (especially) Russia. PHOTOS . . . $325. C&R SOLD
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AUSTRALIAN No.1 Mk.III bolt-action rifle # A7905 (.303 British) mfg. by Lithgow Arsenal in 1918, Lithgow replacement-barrel dated 7-47. Near Excellent condition with gorgeous mirror-bright bore and shield-logo on receiver, top-flat stamped 5thMD for 5th Military District. Bolt and nose-cap matching receiver, rear-sight is unnumbered, magazine cut-off slot is present but cutoff is not. Buttstock has bold R MA 8/47 cartouche on right side (refurb-date). Some of the expected handling-marks on wood, but overall an attractive example. PHOTOS . . . $275. C&R SOLD
AUSTRALIAN No.1 Mk.III* bolt-action rifle # F3418 (.303 British) mfg. by Lithgow Arsenal in 1944, barrel dated 10-44. Very Good condition with slightly rough but strong bore. All-matching numbers (including buttstock), rear-sight not numbered. Buttstock has 1944 cartouches on right side. Some of the expected handling-marks on wood, but overall a very attractive example with a brass barrel-band. PHOTOS . . . $195. C&R SOLD
BELGIAN Model 1935 Mauser bolt-action short rifle #8390 (7.65x53mm) mfg. in Liege in the late-1930's. Excellent condition with 95+% original bluing and a sharp mirror-bright bore. All-matching numbers (but bolt may have been renumbered, which is not unusual for these), includes cleaning-rod. Receiver marked MANUFACTURE D'ARMES DE L'ETAT with tangent-sight calibrated from 100-1900 meters. Stock has subtle fiddleback walnut figure, with only a few handling-marks. Not import-marked, scarce in the U.S. and rarely seen as nice as this example. PHOTOS . . . $650. C&R
BRITISH No.1 Mk.III* bolt-action rifle # O758 (.303 British) mfg. by Enfield in 1917 with original 1917-dated barrel. Very Good PLUS condition with strong, bright bore. Nose-cap matches receiver, no number on bolt (with old-style cocking-knob), windage-adjustable rear-sight a force-match. Australian Defense Department (D↑D) with 2 stamped atop receiver, walnut buttstock has brass unit-disc on right side as well as a Defense Department cartouche. Wood has typical handling-marks, dings and a gash or two for a rifle that has seen long service. PHOTOS . . . $275. C&R SOLD
BRITISH No.1 Mk.III* bolt-action rifle # E78566 (.303 British) mfg. by Birmingham Small Arms in 1917 with original 1917-dated barrel. Very Good PLUS condition with strong, mirror-bright bore. All-matching except for magazine, bolt-body and nose-cap apparently renumbered to match. Bolt has with old-style cocking-knob. Beech buttstock and forestock quite decent for these, handguards repaired (the rear one not successfully and has a piece broken-off). PHOTOS . . . $225. C&R
FINN Model 39 Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle #46331 (7.62x54R) mfg. by VKT in 1942 on a scrubbed receiver. Good condition with a strong but not terribly bright bore and matching bolt-knob. Arsenal-tag still attached. Decent Sako-cartouched WWII-era wood with a few dings, dents, compressions and handling-marks. No cleaning-rod. PHOTOS . . . $125. C&R
FINN Model 39 Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle #206747 (7.62x54R), PUOLUSTUSLAITOS-marked barrel-shank mfg. by Sako in 1941 on an 1897-dated Tula receiver. Excellent-plus (98%) bluing on metal with a near-perfect bore and matching bolt-knob. Arsenal-tag still attached. Nice Sako-cartouched WWII-era wood with pretty figure and only a few dings and handling-marks. Includes cleaning-rod. PHOTOS . . . $350. Antique, no FFL required SOLD
GERMAN Model Gewehr 98 Mauser bolt-action rifle #8444t (8x57) mfg. by Mauser in 1917. Would be in Excellent condition if not a put-together with totally mismatched parts except barrel & receiver. Metal has 95% or better bluing with no signs of Turkish markings, bore is strong and somewhat bright. Proper bolt is numbered 9844a (close, but no cigar) and headspaces properly. Wood is beech with faint cartouches and looks as if it has been cleaned up quite a bit. Lange rear-sight intact and functional. From 5 feet away a quite attractive specimen, certainly suitable for reenactments or as a shooter. No cleaning-rod. PHOTOS . . . $325. C&R
LUXEMBOURG Model FN-49 Saive semiautomatic rifle #6027 (.30-06) mfg. by Fabrique National in c.1955. Excellent PLUS condition, virtually UNISSUED with 100% original black-enamel finish, all-matching numbers including wood. Bore is gorgeous and mirror-bright, AL stamped above chamber. Very attractive streaked walnut stock with original finish and only a few very minor handling-marks. Only 6,000 FN-49 rifles were made for Luxembourg, and .30-06 is the most desirable chambering in this model rifle. Likely to be the finest I will ever see. PHOTOS . . . $1250. C&R SOLD
PERSIAN Model 98/29 rifle (8x57) mfg. by Brno in 1930. Excellent condition, with all-matching numbers and a near-perfect bore. Wood has some contact-marks, scratches and abrasions from palletizing and a couple of small inventory-stamps but is quite sound and attractive. Screws a bit boogered-up, these are the best-possible shooters in 8mm, with incredible workmanship. PHOTO (representative example) . . . $275. C&R
SWEDISH Model 96B Mauser bolt-action rifle #39631 (6.5x55), mfg. by Mauser in 1900. Very Good condition, with 80% bluing (thinning on magazine-floorplate and triggerguard from carry). Has an decent sharp bore (bore-disc indicating 6.51/1 & 3). All-matching numbers throughout (631, cleaning-rod not numbered). Walnut stock & handguard (likely original) has original finish, some scrapes, compressions and other handling-marks from actual usage but not distracting or disfiguring. PHOTOS . . . $240. C&R SOLD
SWEDISH Model 96B Mauser bolt-action rifle #58405 (6.5x55), mfg. by Mauser in 1900. Very Good Plus condition, with 90% bluing. Has an quite nice shiny bore (bore-disc indicating 6.49/1). Bolt and buttplate matching, other parts mismatched. Walnut stock & handguard (likely original) has nice streaked grain with some scrapes, dings and other handling-marks from usage and storage. PHOTOS . . . $195. C&R SOLD
SWEDISH Model 96B Mauser bolt-action rifle # 320434 (6.5x55) mfg. by Carl Gustaf in 1913. Very Good condition, with 60% fading bluing, 6.53/3 bore disk, regardless, bore is mirror-bright and very strong. All-matching numbers (cleaning-rod not numbered), attractive streaked Walnut stock and handguard with some "tigerstripe" figure on the bottom-half and the usual handling-marks. PHOTOS . . . $210. C&R SOLD
SWEDISH Model 38B short rifle #661969 (6.5x55) mfg. by Husqvarna in 1942. Excellent PLUS condition, with 99% strong bluing and a perfect bore, bore-disk stamped 6.49/0, threaded muzzle. Bent-bolt, all-matching numbers except cleaning-rod (several bolt-parts inscribed rather than stamped), a couple compressions side from handling, otherwise perfect wood. A gorgeous near-pristine example, Century import-marked. PHOTOS . . . $450. C&R SOLD
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